"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."
gtalk-ban by MyanmarInfoTech!
Published on September 2, 2006 By warsein In Blogging

Google talk
Google Hack
Douwe Osinga

on Sep 02, 2006
Why not?

Were you banned for stalking?
on Sep 03, 2006
i can't Use Gtalk really ...... . No ... i dun do anything.... Just banned by our Anarchy ..... we are ruled by MyanmarArmy and we didn't have internet freedom . they ban anything... shit ! I wanna Use gtalk But I can't . If anyone can help me.. please mail to me theinthanhtay@myanmarmedical.net .. Thanks for all. I try to skip proxy server many way.. But ....... nth special.