"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."
....kyan khae pe so dae..khansar chat nae..... alinyaung a twat a tet shin nay tae... warsein so dae ayuUg 1 yout a kyaung!
Published on September 9, 2006 By warsein In Personal Relationships
ALin.........You just left and didnt say anything!
you really hurt me
you don't understand what I am going though
without you, alin... i love U so much....

Life seems different,
not the same
without you to be beside me
like I've said you make the sunshine,
I shall not forget you and the scare
you left on my heart
I shall make more study
but not could replace you
you are special and very different
you have a place in my heart
that I can't forget.................................... @__@

it's the one who lived for alinyaung....

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